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Sunday, April 15, 2007

What is the Best for you?

ur perfect day is- sunday
ur perfect colour is- olive green
ur perfect match iz- taurus,libra
ur perfect no.- 5(five)
if u dont fwd-5 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- tuesday
ur perfect colour- red
ur perfect match- cancer
ur perfect no.-9(nine)
if u dont fwd- 9 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day-wednesday
ur perfect colour- maroon
ur perfect match- aries,libra
ur perfect no.- 10(ten)
if u dont fwd-10 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- monday
ur perfect colour- dark blue
ur perfect match- pisces
ur perfect no.- 7(seven)
if u dont fwd- 7 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- friday
ur perfect colour- yellow
ur perfect match- scorpio,aquarius
ur perfect no.-13(thirteen)
if u dont fwd- 13 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- saturday
ur perfect colour- pink
ur perfect match- saggitarius
ur perfect no.- 3(three)
if u dont fwd- 3 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- thursday
ur perfect colour- white
ur perfect match- capricorn,scorpio
ur perfect no.-15(fifteen)
if u dont fwd-15 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- friday
ur perfect colour- black
ur perfect match- aquarius
ur perfect no.- 8(eight)
if u dont fwd-8 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- sunday
ur perfect colour- white
ur perfect match- virgo
ur perfect no.- 2(two)
if u dont fwd- 2 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- monday
ur perfect colour- black
ur perfect match-gemini
ur perfect no.-14(fourteen)
if u dont fwd- 14 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- friday
ur perfect colour- peach
ur perfect match- virgo
ur perfect no.-10(ten)
if u dont fwd-10 yrs of bad luck

ur perfect day- thursday
ur perfect colour- peach
ur perfect match- aries
ur perfect no.-6(six)
if u dont fwd- 6 yrs of bad luck

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